Article 1:
No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.
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Time force emerges between a decision and a purpose. Here the purpose will be influenced by a world line which itself is changing every moment, or the purpose itself is unknown as e.g. that Covid-19 spread. But if the lives are yet lasting, any world line is reflecting to the lives' potential. Here the concept of the non-ordinal numbers is sought; an i0 compass, purposes among non-ordinal potentials. Time force makes any astral body be possible, Lord lead the man/woman in faith.
I introduce below for any musical i0 practice in f(M), M means any field in being projected of energy potential, f() means any frequency function. Here, although set for base-√3 sounds, an i0 compass is the i0 instrument in f(M); the consonants, any field, and the glass beads of Genesis language.
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Article 2:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 2:

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