No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.
Briefly, it is enough {oxygen, nutrition, rest}, it should increase metabolism control, and enough vegitables decomposite cholesterol in body.
In India, the number of Covid-19 infected people is 43,710,027, it is about 3% of the population 1.4 billion. The death is 525,604, it is about 0.0375% of the population.
In Thailand, the number of Covid-19 infected people is 4,553,181, it is about 6.9% of the population 66 million. The death is 30,935, it is about 0.047% of the population.
(The numbers are by Reuters' Covid-19 tracker)(The numbers are by Reuters' Covid-19 tracker)
The observation is
(1) The meals in India and Thailand contain much medical herbs, it derives their great metabolism ability.
(2) Covid-19's "before immunity (the before existence)" emerges as disease when man/woman metabolism ability becomes lower, it is in the linkage between fire and soil as Chinese reason concepts, as a mimic of life energy.

Kyo’s personal study: “if I create more deadly COVID-19 as COVID-20, then about the recovery.”
Briefly, it is enough {oxygen, nutrition, rest}, it should increase metabolism control, and enough vegetables decompose cholesterol in body. It means the metabolism control to true life energy against the mimic of life energy.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.