February 16th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

February 16th update


No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.


after fig.4.3,

I've described a case of "water" in fig.4.3, briefly it is [0 at disintegration, 0 at disintegration]interval -> {momentum; super/before existence -> effect}.
Like it, "wood" is [reaching 0, reaching 0] -> {progressing; super/before existence -> effect}.
"fire" is [concentrating -> 0, 0 -> region] -> {comprehension; super/before existence -> effect}.
"soil" is [orthogonal at 0, sustainable/lasting from 0] -> {generating; super/before existence -> effect}.
"metal" is [inheritance from 0, beginning from 0] -> {extra/given power; super/before existence -> effect}.
There are the vast texts of Taoism in China, and because of the (Great Proletarian) Cultural Revolution, the past Chinese fled from the persecution brought the knowledge to Taiwan and USA.
The texts are vast, therefore the application requires the examination to find the causality, in case of medical treatment, it is called as "脈診 (small trial and error collection to observe the causality)." If it is Kung-fu it is "聴勁 (listening force)."



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