No.2458. Genesis 19, Verse 1 with the imaginary number space.

As an example, with the Chinese way, do you begin to see the momentum (勢) for Covid-19 in a protein?

Kyo’s personal study: “if I create more deadly COVID-19 as COVID-20, then about the recovery.” (3)
As the note, Covid-19 is invading lives with "the before immunity (the before existence)", but also Covid-19 is phisical existence, therefore when those who have the higher lives' metabolism activity (momentum (勢)) healed without any antibody, i.e. discharged Covid-19 with their natural metabolism.
Briefly, it is enough {oxygen, nutrition, rest}, and enouph vegitables decomposite cholesterol in body.
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.