The first scheme method:
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
Half of the second scheme method:
No.2027. And the Initial Second Scheme Method from 2013 to 2016, for Music.
Half of the third scheme method:

Since 2017, through the Internet, I received the messages for the Glass Bead Game. "You are London's friend", "you are Russia's friend", "it is best that you will join the special interest group in USA."
I remember it was in 1995 or in 1994, I did the handshake with 9 German Senates in 11 Senates who were visiting Japan, other 2 should talk with the Japan side stuff.
In 1996, I've realized the first scheme method, there was Father of St. Abbondio in Switzerland, I recorded in the photograph with Hesse's glasses.

Above the three scheme methods, I think that Germany, Switzerland will found Kastalien (Castalia), Roman Catholic will begin to realize all the Abraham's prophecy and for the sake of Jesus Christ, the UK will reactivate the Common Wealth.
I know they need me for the international contracts with my intellectual property right and the 6000 years prophecy of Abraham.
I'm being involved the Japanese greatest illness, and I am under the war crime that Chinese and Korean experienced in the WWII. I decided to apply Treaty of San Francisco for my intellectual property right, asked USA to rescue me DS-160 was admitted, and was told as "keeping your way and wait."
Treaty Of Peace With Japan
WHEREAS the Allied Powers and Japan are resolved that henceforth their relations shall be those of nations which, as sovereign equals, cooperate in friendly association to promote their common welfare and to maintain international peace and security, and are therefore desirous of concluding a Treaty of Peace which will settle questions still outstanding as a result of the existence of a state of war between them;
WHEREAS Japan for its part declares its intention to apply for membership in the United Nations and in all circumstances to conform to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations; to strive to realize the objectives of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; to seek to create within Japan conditions of stability and well-being as defined in Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter of the United Nations and already initiated by post-surrender Japanese legislation; and in public and private trade and commerce to conform to internationally accepted fair practices;
Article 14
2. (I) Subject to the provisions of subparagraph (II) below, each of the Allied Powers shall have the right to seize, retain, liquidate or otherwise dispose of all property, rights and interests of (a) Japan and Japanese nationals, (b) persons acting for or on behalf of Japan or Japanese nationals, and (c) entities owned or controlled by Japan or Japanese nationals, which on the first coming into force of the present Treaty were subject to its jurisdiction.
2(I) 次の(II)の規定を留保して、各連合国は、次に掲げるもののすべての財産、権利及び利益でこの条約の最初の効力発生の時にその管轄の下にあるものを差し押え、留置し、清算し、その他何らかの方法で処分する権利を有する。(a)日本国及び日本国民、(b)日本国又は日本国民の代理者又は代行者、並びに(c)日本国又は日本国民が所有し、又は支配した団体
(iv) property, rights and interests which have come within its jurisdiction in consequence of the resumption of trade and financial relations subsequent to 2 September 1945, between the country concerned and Japan, except such as have resulted from transactions contrary to the laws of the Allied Power concerned;
(iv) 関係国と日本国との間における千九百四十五年九月二日後の貿易及び金融の関係の再開の結果として日本国の管轄内にはいつた財産、権利及び利益。但し、当該連合国の法律に反する取引から生じたものを除く。
(IV) The right to seize, retain, liquidate or otherwise dispose of property as provided in subparagraph (I) above shall be exercised in accordance with the laws of the Allied Power concerned, and the owner shall have only such rights as may be given him by those laws.
(IV) 前記の(I)に規定する日本財産を差し押え、留置し、清算し、その他何らかの方法で処分する権利は、当該連合国の法律に従つて行使され、所有者は、これらの法律によつて与えられる権利のみを有する。
(V) The Allied Powers agree to deal with Japanese trademarks and literary and artistic property rights on a basis as favorable to Japan as circumstances ruling in each country will permit.
(V) 連合国は、日本の商標並びに文学的及び美術的著作権を各国の一般的事情が許す限り日本国に有利に取り扱うことに同意する。
The links:
Treaty of San Francisco
Treaty of San Francisco - Wikisource, the free online library
日本国との平和条約 - Wikisource
Draft Treaty of Peace With Japan
Draft Treaty of Peace With Japan - Wikisource, the free online library
Over 65% of my letters and photos were stolen, in other words, those who sent me letters and were in the photos, the Japanese government use it, it is serious threat, but I cannot even walk under the daylight. And I believe I couldn't receive many letters to me.
Survival – Kyo’s Blog (
Survival 2
Survival 3
Survival 3 – Kyo’s Blog (
Survival 4
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.