Article 1:
Studying Quantum Biology 2
Update 1:
Orthodox music uses 2⇦ onto E of quantum, instead of 1⇦ in fig.8.1 T = T^d, in order to experience Cosmos.
Here as √3⇦ instead of 1⇦ of Cosmos, and with an electric Violin, the frequencies are below fig.8.3. You may use any color tape for the aiming tones.

An electric violin for beginner is about $150~.

After Hermann Hesse had written the novel Glass Bead Game had written, Hesse was triying to realize the Glass Bead Game with his Violin and paintings, naturally it/he was very brave ("it was he very brave ..." in German) although he didn't reach the realization.
You may select any picture to assist to hold an M field in fig.8.1 T = T^d. For example, ...

... or you'll paint or draw as following your imagination, Lord.
URL 1:
Article 2:
Studying Minkowski's Space-Time
Update 2:
Orthodox music uses 2⇦ onto E of quantum, instead of 1⇦ in fig.14.1 T = T^d, in order to experience Cosmos.
Here as √3⇦ instead of 1⇦ of Cosmos, and with an electric Violin, the frequencies are below fig.14.3. You may use any color tape for the aiming tones.

An electric violin for beginner is about $150~.

After Hermann Hesse had written the novel Glass Bead Game had written, Hesse was triying to realize the Glass Bead Game with his Violin and paintings, naturally it/he was very brave ("it was he very brave ..." in German) although he didn't reach the realization.
You may select any picture to assist to hold an M field in fig.14.1 T = T^d. For example, ...

... or you'll paint or draw as following your imagination, Lord.
URL 2:
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