Studying Quantum Biology

fig.3, fig.4.0 and fig.4.1:
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time

fig.5.0 and fig.5.1:
F+p → {0, 10, 100, ... , infinity}, 1 is the complement,
F-p → {0, 0, 0, … infinite times ... , 0}, no 1 is the complement.
And see fig.4.0 and fig.4.1 again.

fig.8.1 and fig.8.2:
I guess Taoist and Buddhist love this with different path.
Orthodox music uses 2⇦ onto E of quantum, instead of 1⇦ in fig.8.1 T = T^d, in order to experience Cosmos.
Here as √3⇦ instead of 1⇦ of Cosmos, and with an electric Violin, the frequencies are below fig.8.3. You may use any color tape for the aiming tones.

An electric violin for beginner is about $150~.

After Hermann Hesse had written the novel Glass Bead Game had written, Hesse was triying to realize the Glass Bead Game with his Violin and paintings, naturally it/he was very brave ("it was he very brave ..." in German) although he didn't reach the realization.
You may select any picture to assist to hold an M field in fig.8.1 T = T^d. For example, ...

... or you'll paint or draw as following your imagination, Lord.
As reading the Bible, often the number 50 appears, e.g. 5 good men/women in 50 people of Sodom before the destruction. And there are 50 Magister Ludi (master of games) exist in the novel Glass Bead Game. Magister Ludi is 1, but 50, it is ...

With base-x thinking, where and how 0 exists is x = 0 or x = 10, because 0 wasn't founded before about A.D. 1. This upper dimension has been shown also in the chapter of Noah in another number. It is what any higher dimension means to avoid a destruction, Noah floated in the higher dimension of Bible over the destruction.
n/m of base-5 includes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} as n and m = 5, the F5 includes {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} as n and m.
n/m of base-10 includes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} as n and m = 10, the F10 includes {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} as [F7, F7] = 3 and [0, 0] = 3 as the Galois' imaginary number.
n/m of base-2 includes {1, 2} as n and m = 2, the F2 includes {0, 1} and the prime number includes the Galois' imaginary number as 1 from the number itself, 2.
n/m of 12 is a step of 2^(n/m), n includes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} and m = 12, it is placed on the power, not on the prime number 2, and can be used for F12 but not includes 0.
Like fig.9.0 and fig.9.1,
there are infinite variations of n/m combination.
As dice, m is a fixed number, e.g. 5, but in Fp m are the numbers as same variation with n.
And there are [0, 0], [0, i0], and [i0, i0] now, as imaginary number space, to be connected to e.g. -gravity.
Then n⇦ and m⇦ being compared with a Hebrew consonant⇦ or with ♪ of the David instrument (the base-x instrument), it will be awakening; the creative vision's source.
See fig.8.3 and fig.8.5 again, for what the Glass Bead Game as cosmic language was waited with music in the novel.
In case of fig.9.0 and fig.9.1, it is {5, 50}; higher dimension.

fig.10.0 and fig.10.1:
This is the disintegration method which is included to the third scheme method, in order to leap far.
In below linked article, fig.2.0. how non-ordinal number applied to the Genesis language.
In below linked article, fig.2.1. how the glass bead is applied to non-ordinal space.
The link:
The Glass Bead Game, and My Study for Genesis 18.

There is -0 (or 0-) = -p as the closing direction (lim |Tn - T| -> ψn ∈ -0 (-p)), and -0 = -p derives {1 : 1}class of n distribution in the Latin square. It contributes life in light as fig.12.0.

for F÷p, fig.14.0.4 or

To observe a projection of fig.14.0.6 onto 0 of Galois' imaginary number roughly, I used wxMaxima of mathematics software. Here extra 2 nulls are added F+5 as Galois' imaginary number, it is calculated with F-7. Halmos's orthogonal exists at Xn,m. There is very complex space although this is only 2 dimensions, then the convergence of i0 can be calculated toward matter or energy.
As the reasons of the rough observation. I.e. when an Fp is reflexively given in a location of Cosmos, not given by a man/woman, the coefficients are needed.
(1) When the first digit is observed, + and - are just different direction of the spin.
(2) × ⇔ ÷, any × to obtain an image before ÷ in a ripple effect.

Compare with fig.14.0.7.

In fig.14.0.9, a cube and a square give [0, 0].
As analysis technique/technology, I'm observing what space of fig.14.0.7 and fig.14.0.8 is of giving [0, 0] of the leaps over [i0, 0].

god/don’t/to (power) in אין סףּ (Ein Sof); [the zero(s), dimensions] in [+∞, -∞]) -> any effect

I doubt the numbers of √(x^2). √(x^2) is a kind of norm.
Then I avoid 0 and replace 0 into 7 in fig.14.0.12b, because n/0 is impossible and 0 = p. And further I avoid the norm calculation (√(x^2) calculation).

And I observe a behavior of Fcombined-number, here F5+2.

fig.14.0.12 and fig.14.0.13:
(i0, ¬0) → noncommutative of rings and fields.
(|{+}set|amount = |{-}set|amount) → (i0, 0)coordinates.

An i0 including a particle generator knows {ln}\{0axis} | n ∈ 0~∞, there is the repulsion projection on (i0⊥0) of the coordinates.
When ln includes 0, it is {0\{0axes} → repultion}, e.g. ∞ of alef 0 (0th א) ≠ ∞ of alef 1 (1st א).

fig.18.1, 18.2, 18.3 and fig.18.4:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Fermat's Latin text as Fermat's last theorem is as in fig.22.0.
The link is:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Except right-angled triangle, any triangle in two dimensions has three orthogonalities in the three dimensions number.
2 has 3, d has d+1, except any right-angled triangle.

It doesn't exist that the d dimensions' figure has d+1 orthogonalities except right-angled triangle or unknown Galois field's n, Gal(closure Q / Q) -> n exists as Wile's proof of Fermat's last theorem. The n exists outside any figure of known d dimensions number, although the n exists in the imaginary number space as above.
[0, 0] in the imaginary number space outside [0, d] to the orthogonalities requires -time with erasing part of +time as (^d, ^d) in the rings in cosmic dynamics,

Fig.22.3.0 and fig.22.3.1:
m/0 is impossible, but {n} ⊥ {m] → {0 of {n} is projected to {m} as 0} is possible.
In case of m/nx, m doesn't include nx, {nx of {n} is projectded to {m} as nx} is possible, and here e.g. {2 of F5} ≠ {2 of F7}, then ⊥^d (d ≧ 4) is possible to conceive and calculate.
(vi) in the figure is closing to e.g. enzyme's figure, including the voltage or the quantum fields.
The New Testament and Tanakh are true.
In case of light, [0, 0] requires 2 × triangular pyramid with equilateral base (2 × 3 dimension by 3 number space), as 2 × {[0, 0], 1, 1, 1}sides as drawing it to a cubic space of {^3}sides.

In case of (x (1st dim.), y (2nd dim.), , t (4th dim.))coordinates.

In case of (x, y, z, (0, 0, 0)coordinates)coordinates.
|{α1}system|absolute/|{α2}system|absolute = 1, ∵ |{+}set| = |{-}set| in the imaginary number space.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (July 1, 1646 ~ September 14, 1716), the greatest mathematician, proposed that the binary system could explain Ying-Yang to China, but China refused it.
If based on the Kant philosophy, mathematics is realized over any synthesis of numbers, the synthesis with constructive intuition is possible with requesting any reason intuition of humankind (a-priori (beforehand experience) from form to matter), although human reason ability arises before mathematics, mathematics is one of strongest path of it. E.g. music is another one.
Ying-Yang is the reason intuition (from human practice to form, matter to form) to practice phenomena, Ying-Yang itself is not constructive intuition.
Lisp, one of most famous computer programming language, takes Ying-Yang symbol. From a constructive intuition to another constructive intuition can lead to meet reason intuition to humankind. Already in 1960, USA approached reason intuition ability of humankind with constructive intuition over computing.

Until 1988 spring, I was a student of electrical engineering. Fig.22.7 is one page for my graduation thesis, the A.I., with the book which Yale university published, programmed with Common Lisp. My graduation thesis was the top grade of the institute of technology, in order to leave electrical engineering.

I met Ayao Ide who translated the novel Glass Bead Game into Japanese, my teacher to begin to study Hermann Hesse, at Christmas party on December 13 in 1987, it was before the graduation.

Difference of pragmatism between West and China.
With reason intuition, constructive intuition and sensing intuition, the both pragmatism are
West: from sensing intuition in effect to reason intuition; meeting God, the first set of the twelve strings (the first scheme method),
China: from constructive intuition over practice to reason intuition; Ying-Yang appear, the second set of the twelve strings (the first scheme method).
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

Fig.23.0 (1):
Below is as the allegory of life and -gravity.
(1) You fold your clothes after you washed and dried it, because you can put most of it away in your cabinet.
(2) A man walks with 5 km/h to west in a train running 100 km/h to west. Another man walks to east in another train to east, the relative speed is 210 km/h, the both men can't stand in a same place.
(1)' When (ψ, φ) is folded to (ψ, 0), most of (ψ, 0) become a material. Then (0, φ) as vertical dimension is released into universe.
(2)' Two of (ψ, 0) have repulsion, but the released most of (0, φ) from the cosmos press multi-(ψ, 0), e.g. protons, into an atom, because any projection-to-0 space can arise to (ψ, 0) space. Then (0, φ) is in -gravity. (continued to below)

Fig.23.0 (1), and fig.23.1 ~ fig.23.5:
(continued from above)
(3) Dimensions are converged into a location, then it becomes material. And where the dimensions exists before the conversion becomes emitted space. The emitted space exists in non-ordinal space where "light speed" is meaningless, although "light speed" is 5 km/h of (2) relatively in same space if the space is ordinal.
Above isn't limited in quantum biology/mechanics and -gravity,

Fig.23.6 ~ fig.23.8:
Music was better to experience outside of Euclidean geometry until i0 was discovered, because music can be realized in any spin (frequency) including outside of Euclidean geometry, here music and mathematics are common denominator of phenomena as wanted in the novel Glass Bead Game.
Although it couldn't be in order except i0, now it can be.
(continued below)

fig.24.0 (fig.1.3.0 (1)) is from
fig.24.0 (fig.1.3.0 (2)) is from

fig.24.1 and fig.24.2 (fig.1.3.1 and fig.1.3.2):
Carl Sagan's COSMOS was published and broadcasted in 1980. I had an interesting in the phenomenon since I was junior high school student.

(0, φ) of fig.14.3 is leaving for i0 as a -gravity center, (ψ, 0) is floating on the +gravity bubble.
(ψ, φ) is the case of any ^2 space. Fn^⊥ of the imaginary number space is needed to calculate any ^d (d>2) space of i0.
The link of fig.24.0~fig.24.3:
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
(Again from the above numbers)
(4) Human brain is made also the converged (ψ, 0), but the brain is open and reacting to (0, φ), the ancient prophet could listen from (0, φ) with their (ψ, 0), Socrates named this as "recalling." Naturally life is so, many of people watched the Prometheus's fire as Paris Olympic recently.
(5) x^d + y^d ≠ z^d but = z^d + α. When this (z^d + α) is treated as z^d, and when (-n)^d = -n^d is possible, (0, φ) in -gravity becomes possible to calculate. It is i0.
(6) When (ψ, 0) is generated, (0, φ) is emitted as -gravity against Earth, or when (0, φ) as -gravity from universe is applied, anti-gravity engine is possible.
(6)' Nuclear fission is -proton initial alchemy, nuclear fusion is +proton initial alchemy. Today a electric-power and nutrition (as food) generation with photosynthesis technology in USA, the experimentation of several nano-second -time jump of photon was succeeded in the UK last year. These are modern alchemy, and humankind will realize or synthesize further more toward future.

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