Here, ⇦ means a reflexive. I'm observing the consonants space with the reflexive dimension of the Glass Bead Game (the Genesis language).

Below fig.4.4 and fig.4.5 are as clue,

fig.4.4. fig.5.0:
Observing self of nerve response from future,
and synthesizing strides of running time force;
<- Lord.

fig.4.5. fig.5.1:
Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval.
Link of fig.4.4 and fig.4.5:
Reading Astral Body from Genesis 10.

fig.6.0 and fig.6.1:
(1) fig.6.0 was often occurred with sex. And a child was regarded as a holy life, and when those who offered the child to the gods, he/she regarded himself/herself as beyond the the holy life of children", and believed as "I'm loved by my gods" as "I have super-power beyond holy life". Then the spacetime had been broken, the end of civilization came.
(2) Abraham thought to offer Isaac, I believe, then God said Abraham "I'm not the gods".
(C) Copyright 2024 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.