Since the Genesis language was born in 1996, it is yet coarse religion thirty five years until 2031. According to Abraham, this means, Jews, Christianity, and Islam are yet coarse religion state/condition.

See fig.12.0~ for the Genesis language.

Link of fig.12.0, 12.1, and 12.3:
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

fig.13.0. fig.1.3.2 has been described in
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
Then for the initial second scheme method, opening the outer/inner reflexives as fig.1.4.

Link of fig.13.0 and 13.1:
No.2027. And the Initial Second Scheme Method from 2013 to 2016, for Music.
The second scheme method is required to generate any originated first scheme method for any uniqueness; any DNA.
E.g. when an original potential of a man/woman is described as fig.14.0,

... and as the potential will appear in t1 as supposition in fig.14.1,

... and it can be extended from t1 to t12, or more, but here in fig.14.2,

... and further, the interval is not only between two schemes.

fig.14.0 ~ 14.4:
As we regard there is only t, but t1 × t2 × t3 × t4 × ... × t∞ exists in an astral body, referring the new testament and the old testament to filling a scheme, potential of a man/woman is ∞, no parallel, and resurrecting.
Although be care for, a filled scheme is a seemingly ended future, it misleads you because of the lost time force.
Reading Astral Body from Genesis 10.
* "Chariots of Fire" is a greatest movie.
In the novel Glass Bead Game, Christianity would wait for about 300 years to admit the Glass Bead Game. But in case of me, already recognized as who realize the Glass Bead Game (the Genesis language) in Switzerland (Roman Catholic) and Germany (Protestant). Fig.14 was photographed with Hesse's glasses.

I declared the first scheme method was/is permitted the human kind in 2011. It includes Islam now too. Japan isn't included, because any contract is made between rights and rights. Japan was/is harming/preventing/killing me and the world.
Survival – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
Survival 2
Survival 2 – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
Survival 3
I'll leave Japan forever.
Treaty of San Francisco
Treaty of San Francisco - Wikisource, the free online library
日本国との平和条約 - Wikisource
Muslims are also Abraham's descendant. And Muslims themselves will decide for Islam's brotherhood which explains as Jew and Christianity have lost faith, and the small/war Jihad against enemy (the word "Jihad" itself means "self-sacrifice for God"). Therefore I'm not sure when Islam will join the fate recovery, it will may require 300 hundred years like the assumption for Christianity in the novel.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.