Survival 3

fig.9.2 and fig.9.3:
My big brother (legally he was my father in law) told me that he brought me to a cabaret when I was three year old and then he let me dance on the stage. And I was surrounded by porno and alcohol before I was five years at least. All of these has been profiled, and the subliminal controls were continued.
I tried to break the hardwired with logic and the documents since 2019. Ordinarily the spirit collapses if the hardwired in subconscious is broken by force, but fortunately it has been achieved in case of me, although my blood pressure became over 200/147. Now it is in terrible disorder between 167/112 and 95/50 (!).
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.