December 16th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

December 16th update


Reading Astral Body from Genesis 10.



fig.1. Genesis 10, Verse 3.
fig.2. Genesis 10, Verse 4.
fig.3. Genesis 10, Verse 23.


fig.1. Genesis 10, Verse 2, 3, 4 (orange), and 23 (white). Musical instrument and astral body.

I've introduced base-x musical instrument and the new music theory; David instrument is
Music until now was based on base-2, the frequencies become 2^d higher at next octave. Base-x is e.g. the frequencies becomes 3^d higher at the next, but only 2^d has Galois imaginary number.
The frequencies are converted to the spins <-> Euclid space.
The reflexive arrows ⇐ and ⇒ to consonants of Hebrew construct any Euclid space at least.

In order to observe an instance of astral body, since fig.5.0, "Chariots of Fire" is most excellent film since fig.5.0.

fig.2. Genesis 10, Verse 22. Harp like devil.
fig.3. Genesis 10, Verse 24. Light down excluding devil.


(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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