The crossed circles/spheres below are/were useful to me. I showed this to participants of International Summer Seminar, it was in Germany in 1991, especially to Belgians.
No.2447. Studying Quantum Biology.

I used this crossed circle/sphere from I was born. Because, when I see an object, I realize “1” and “0 -> 1” at the same time. This is my brains’ uniqueness from my DNA.
At same time, I fail to count if the number is over 23. When I’m counting, it is “1, 2, 3, … , 23” and “ 0 -> 1, 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, … , 22 -> 23, 23 -> 24 (!)”.
But it is effective like ...

Studying Quantum Biology
No.2447. Studying Quantum Biology.
My uniqueness was also my weak point, but I use my uniqueness to realize the Glass Bead Game, now toward the Genesis energy/language.
I believe it is very important that each man/woman has and can live own uniqueness.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.