Abraham prophesied a perfect language. Abraham had the ability of the prophecy but not reached the perfect language. Joseph of Israel’s son demonstrated what of the realization in Egypt, but also Joseph hadn’t the perfect language yet.
The admiration to realize the perfect language became the approach to magic in Europe. The approaches were put in order each to study, art, technology, from regarded each effect, divided. Then yet these are under control of church until 18th century. In these requirements, the pragmatism was born in Germany, England, and Freemason was founded from its most strong momentum, and the momentum achieved in America as the independence. Goethe said “independence of America is the greatest crown of Freemason.”
I added a picture of me, it was photographed in Switzerland, with Hesse’s glasses. Father of St. Abbondio in Switzerland was there. I believe the Father arranged to photograph me with Hesse's glasses.

Switzerland and Italy are serving the security of the State of the Vatican City (Roman Catholic). Switzerland is one of the place in where High German (Hoch Deutsch) is spoken.
My teacher Ayao Ide, who was given Order of Merit the Federal Republic Germany, told me as I was joined to "B. Raums (Association of Space)" quickly when nobody was around us, because Japanese bureaucrats obstructed and prevented me to join the world for the perfect language, I guess they did to Ayao Ide too.
The foundation of Germany, Switzerland, England, Israel, and USA is strongly related to the perfect language. I want to contribute their history.
Ayao Ide told me the Soviet Union's diplomat was reading the novel Glass Bead Game of German edition. I guess Karl Heinrich Marx was a Jew, Soviet Union sought the origin before the communism, although I'm not sure of it now, but Origin, Genesis in other word, is always important to serious and honest person.
I was born in the Biblical time, and want to become a Jew. DS-160 was submitted USA in 2017 to becoming US citizen.
I'll never forget from where I began, toward where we will go, and I approach to discover the 30 axioms, with observing the present from 1000 year future.
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