"I'll never forget from where I began, toward where we will go, and I approach to discover the 30 axioms, with observing the present from 1000 year future."
The link:
In the Biblical Time, from Genesis, Observing from 1000 Year Future, to Discover 30 Axioms.
I want to become a Jew.
Now Hamas and Israel are in war.
I've read Koran in a Japanese edition and am reading in an English edition.
It should be read in Arabic, although I think Muslims know and live the future judgement day, Israeli's babies decapitated, Arab countries criticize Israel's war as it doesn't protect Israel.
"Sarah conceive Isaac", i.e. "being Sarah, to conceive Isaac in God."

(a) (I've decided) to discover 30 axioms from 1000 years future.
(b) Jihadists do decapitate babies from the future judgement day.
I've judged ⇐ and ⇒ to a dimension consonant is one of the 30 axioms.
As for Islam, (a) and (b) are both true.
(b) will be only changed by Islam themselves, but as in range of what I've read Koran, Muslims recognize themselves as slave of God. And in Islam's countries, Koran is their constitution and the laws. Does slave change master's rule and law?
What was told is suddenly abandoned as any judgement day.
(a) of my future discovery will be known by Islam too. I myself will not help it.
I, as descendant of Sarah, know that (a) will be born in future children including Muslims, although I'm not sure then whether they will decapitate children or not, if they will do, the dead children will realize nothing, and the Islam will remain as poor as God's slave, and kill anyone as acting for God, at anytime.
"Being Sarah, to conceive Isaac in God."
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.