Arab countries have judged as Hamas-Israel war isn’t Israel’s self-defence. It means that Israel is invading Gaza.
I want to become a Jew.
And if the news is right, Jared Kushner will not be selected to Abraham Accord in charge.
I don’t think Arab countries can join the Glass Bead Game.
As until 2017, also since now, I will make the progress of the perfect language with Germany, Switzerland, the UK, USA and Israel, and Russia if the condition will be better, the countries in where the Glass Bead Game was tried to discover at least since 1934 when the first part of the novel Glass Bead Game was published.
I continue to walk to discover the 30 axioms, from the 1000 years future to observe present,
As if law’s effect, there is terror in Middle East, Arab countries use it as benefit.
When Israel protects self, Arab countries threat the world with oil production.
When Israel’s babies are decapitated by terrorists, Arab countries threat the world with the oil production to keep the benefit of terror.
This is the realism.
The hope of world money was not enough supported by self-initiative in the world, by each country.
There were/are hedges by terror.
USA has own oil and gas in own country.
Nuclear fusion and photosynthesis technology, time jump technology in the UK.
To the Glass Bead Game too, the personal initiatives are the requirement.
USA, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, Israel (because of the prophecy of Abraham; the perfect language) deserve it.
Terror came from the weakness of where personal initiative stand not by self on.
I’ve read Koran of Japanese edition. And now reading of English edition. Naturally it should be read in Arabic.
As my consideration of the time force, it is toward future in the old testament, resurrection to Genesis is the new testament. In the Koran, the future judgement day is like a genesis.
Therefore I think Islam will misunderstand my study of Genesis energy.
The added picture is me in 1975. It is like picked up from a battle field. This was photographed by my big brother’s friend.
From I was born, I was decapitated socially everyday.
My big brother, of different mother, behaved as my father in order to sell me, he acknowledged me as his son.
I will donate Israel’s orphans while I will live.
And I’ll progress toward future with people whose babies were decapitated.

Hamas decapitated babies in the sovereignty of Israel, and Israel killed Hamas in Gaza with dying babies who were used as human shield.
Hamas is forgiven, Israel is punished.
But where is Hamas’s sovereignty? Where is terrorists’ sovereignty?
Jihad’s judgement day is achieved by the UN, and by the White House, as Jihad’ victory.
Jihad is destroying also EU and USA as the judgement day’s victory, by EU’s own hands, and by USA’s own hands.
Terrorists made paradox. The advanced countries, including EU and USA, are sharing the sovereignty by self-destruction, but don’t punish who made the paradox by terrorism.
Israel doesn’t destroy themselves by the created paradox. Terrorism isn’t Jihad for Israel.
I stand by Israel.
The subjects are switched, Jihad is storming.
4300 rockets in 2022 and 3000 rockets were fired into Israel’s sovereignty, and babies were decapitated in the sovereignty. Israel decided to destroy the subject Hamas.
Subject Hamas forced people to be human shield, i.e. forced to cast human rights.
If Israel replaces the sovereign rights with the forced people’s rights, i.e. {subject: Israel} is switched with {subject: foreign people}, it is Israel’s self-destruction, i.e. Israel’s suicide.
In this subjects switching, when terrorist killed more, the victims of terror are forced to owe more.
In this created paradox, i.e. the subjects switching, Jihad is storming, it is especially in USA, EU, UK, because the shares from the advanced countries’ self-destruction.
In the old testament (Hebrew), “Lord” and “you” appear often,
in the new testament (English), even one of enemy becomes Jesus Christ sometimes,
in Koran (English), “I”, “we”, and “God” switch rapidly. And the judgement day is like a genesis.
Therefore, for Isram, Hamas is one of Koran’s understanding, and isn’t terrorist, but liberation if referring Erdogan of Turkey.
Then the self-destruction of e.g. USA and EU is Satan’s sake by their observation.
If it is true, therefore, sovereignty is most important as a country. We stood by our own will in the history. Any country, our country, isn’t free sharing.
Be care for “the subject switching”,
from “your right” to “ our right”,
to “your responsibility” from “out responsibility.”
Then if you destroy yourself, it is “your Satan’s sake.”
“Know your enemy, and know yourself, then hundred wars will be victory.” Sun-tzu.
In 2020, after the nuclear explosion in Lebanon, at least France and USA were threaten by those who fired.
This year, an ICBM was fired to Israel, Israel intercepted the ICBM. I think some world countries are being threatened by those who have fired.
Then Israel’s “humanitarian problem in Gaza” is admitted by the world, the self-destruction is Satan’s sake of EU, USA and other advanced countries by the sovereignty to be shared.
As one of Koran’s understanding, it is “liberation” and "war of Cristian countries and Islam countries" as referring Erdogan of Turkey, “invasion to great Satan USA and small Satan Israel” as referring Iran.
Islam’s population is 1.6 billion in the world.
This is the world war III of self-destruction, in face of being threatened with nuclear weapons and biochemical weapons.
The World War III,
the self-destruction war,
in face of any nuclear and biochemical weapon,
to free share the sovereignty.
Christian, Islam, Jew believe the same God. But when, how, by whom the judgement is done is different.
Abraham Accord began in 2020, Saudi Arabia declared they will hope to join the accord, not joined yet.
But they began to approach the normalization with Iran. When Hamas decapitated Jews’ babies, Saudi Arabia denied Israel’s right, affirmed the siblings’ right, Hamas’ right, with Iran, as the time of God’s judgement.
At any time from God’s judgement, to Islam, exactly the siblings are right, if the babies are decapitated.
Then does Abraham Accord have effect?
In religion, justice is different with law. Law is made as if human can judge instead of God. But in religion, God judge.
Someone may compare it with war, as there is prohibition, both break the prohibition, but the winner is right.
Pharaoh forced Israeli to kill the first boy. It was right in the Egypt.
David decapitated Goliath with his own sword. it was right in Israeli.
Hamas decapitated Israeli’s babies. It is right in the siblings of Islam.
There are religions in the world.
Therefore as a consideration, as essence of religion is love, eternal-life, freedom, these should be no-limit effect. But our phenomenal world has limit in us. These derive paradox, but where death or alive should be selected, we fight on the paradox. Then religion is more important than law.
Hamas decapitated babies, Islam stand on the same judgement day of the siblings. An ICBM was fired to Israel, and was intercepted by Israel.
Dead or alive. Fight or not.
Based on what?
In our national anthem, Star Spangled Banner, as
"A home and a country, should leave us no more?" - verse three -
"In God is our trust" - verse four -
We have no time.
* This article is from my posts on GETTR
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.