Article 1:
No.2447. Studying Quantum Biology.
Update 1:


Field (Q → n)/Q = (1 × (→ n)/Q), (→ n)/Q) as ψ can exist in finite field (Galois field), as ([0, i0]interval → ψ)→ ([Fp1, Fp2] → (0, ¬0)coordinates).

As Fermat's description, fig.2.3.

fig.2.2, fig.2.3:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.
URL 1:
Article 2:
No.2440, the newly generated first scheme method from no.2339, the theme not found yet. Kabbalah, God is a Verb.
Update 2:

As how Genesis exists as sought from each consonant, it is of energy, see fig.4.0.1c below.

Energy is represented as R^(d ± x) ± α, x and α cause multiple dimensions' change. The Hebrew consonants have been linked with the first scheme method's 0, vast energy exists; the Abraham language (∋ the Glass Bead Game *a).
There are some description in the novel Glass Bead Game, e.g. glass bead game, Glass Bead Game. And Knecht (servant) left in the legend, Tito (טיט : clay) assigned an upper mission in the end of the book.
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