Studying Quantum Biology

See for y-axes,
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time

fig.2.1.3 (1) is from
fig.2.1.3 (2) is from

With observing from -gravity, a planet is liken to be floating on the surface of the sea of Universe, like an island on the sea of Earth, the -gravity exists in the deep sea.
See for fig.2.0 ~ fig.2.1.4 also:
The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
Field (Q → n)/Q = (1 × (→ n)/Q), ((→ n)/Q) as ψn can exist in finite field (Galois field), as ([0, i0]interval → ψn)→ ([Fp1, Fp2] → (0, ¬0)coordinates).

As Fermat's description, fig.2.3.

fig.2.2, fig.2.3:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

A laboratory in the UK achieved several nanosecond time jump with light, i.e. the photon existed at the place of several nanosecond before.
I consider this as a future technology of humankind, with progressed Minkowski spacetime progressed into {d ≥ (5 → ∞ at a center of -gravity)}, as below.

[y1, y2] is converted [y2, y1] in 0 second at t', {d ≥ (5 → ∞ at a center of -gravity)}, UFO becomes an Flying Object as we know.

In case of MRI, the electron of Hydrogen in the magnetic field stands on line to one direction. I think it is suitable to time jump, if all electrons of life stand on line to one direction. But all electrons of life are on single direction long time, I think the DNA is damaged.

Here, a particle exists at 0 in fig.10.2 (1).
In case of fig.10.2 (2), I think, DNA isn't damaged, because of the no direction of fig.10.2 (3).

E.g. ∑ (+x)^d = 0 + 2 + 4 = 6, ∑ (-x)^d = 0 - 2 + 4 = 2 | x = 2 and d = 0~2 here. But with the imaginary number field, (+1) × ∑ (+x)^d = (-1) × ∑ (-x)^d = 6.
Where the 4 leaves is included to the Genesis energy. See fig.15.

Fig.14's left 4 is shown as y and z in fig.15.
(1) Halmos' set of ⊥, {x, , } ⊥ {y, , }, {x, , } ⊥ {z, , }, {y, , } ⊥ {z, , }, and x^d + y^d ≠ z^d,
(2) what should reach to ∞ can be in an adic number of Galois field for a vector.
(3) the imaginary number space is realized to (1) and (2), it is the requirement of expanded Minkowski space-time to ∞ dimensions, not for four dimensions' Minkowski space-time.

The Imaginary Number Space. The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
Studying Quantum Biology
I end this article.
And I continue to study at least
(i) (-n)^d = -n^d space, and {Hilbert space ⊂ the imaginary number space}.
(ii) Not yet shown 50% of the second scheme method, I've shown the 50%.
(iii) the third scheme method.
(iv) the symbol method of the perfect language (Abraham language).
(v) the Genesis energy, the Abraham instrument including base-x instrument.
(vi) the Hebrew Bible.
If I express the perfect language in other words, the Genesis language, it has been connected with the David instrument, the Hebrew and the Kabbalah.
Here, it is the Genesis language and the Genesis energy.
(C) Copyright 2021 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.