The Twin Pillars and the Atmospheric current Meandering to Derive Abnormal Weather.
Adic number space of Fp isn't equal linear space, but
(a) in F-p of the Latin square, n ∈ p, [F+p1, F+p2]interval → [any n, 0].
then [n, 0] allows linear space, and when
(b) adic number {n}linear ∈ p1 of F±p1, {m}linear ∈ p2 of F±p2, {n}^2 and {m}^2 = {-1}set in the linear of F+p1 and F+p2, {n}^2 and {m}^2 = {+1} set in the linear of F-p1 and F-p2, {n} × {m} = {-1},
(c) {n}^(d>2) and {m}^(d>2) = {0}, and any {n} or {m} × the result of (b) = {0}, x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≥ 3) there,
I modeled [i0, n] space, any n = 1 as fig.0.6. Therefore,
(d) imaginary number space as (-s)^d = -(s)^d exists.
If energy of Universe is calculated with (d), it is ×8 or more than space over Newton mechanics (see also fig.0.6.1 since 2019). By scientists, entire energy of Universe with dark energy, it is ×10 over Newton mechanics.
(e) when n=m, it makes a deformed space, e.g. a line. I think it sounds many people if a line or circle is a deformed space, but in Minkowski space, it is deformed, but {n} ⊥ {m} by Halmos mathematics there.

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