I read a news of EU's hydrogen fuel project.
I think as
(1) Hydrogen fuel stand network (like gasoline stand network) to realize the scale merit including East Europe,
(2) how many EU citizens have the motivation to buy the vehicle instead of gasoline engine vehicle by the realized marketing,
(3) how efficient to produce the vehicle of the number,
(4) by the hydrogen fuel production process, no asphalt is produced used to construct the roads.
When (1)~(4) are solved, it is a greatest project.
And on the other hand, below is a known assumption.
Grounds which have been covered by asphalt don’t release the sun light energy and become a hot-water bottle. Generally it makes the twin pillars which block the atmospheric currents. Under the pillars, abnormal weather occurs.

Those twin pillars derive, and are derived by, e.g. the prevailing westerlies' meandering, then a southern hot wind reaches the Arctic Circle and melts the ice.
As another case of the Arctic Circle, e.g. in Africa, desert makes an ascending air current and the sea makes a descending air current, the boundary of hot and cold goes toward the sea, i.e. the desert is widening itself as if "eating green."
The twin pillars and the atmospheric meandering cause a complex system each other.
That was an explanation by science magazine Newton in Japan, I remember I read it in 1996. CO2 emission is political issue, although it is fact that the present cars are running fires, released CO2 amount is greater than O2 amount that is produced by plants, but present CO2 % in the atmosphere is 450 ppm. Ppm is 1/million. Does the greenhouse occur with 0.00045%?
(5) The southern hemisphere is becoming cold. Why? There are many cities on the northern hemisphere, covered with the asphalts which shut the respiration of the ground, the heat island phenomenon disturbs the atmospheric aerial current that is very delicate of the order.

(6) Ice ages came periodically. It may be a tidal friction between our galaxy gravity and Earth going over several hundreds kilometers per second in the universe in where Earth becomes hot or cold.

fig.1.3.0 (1) is from
fig.1.3.0 (2) is from

fig.1.3.1 and fig.1.3.2:
Carl Sagan's COSMOS was published and broadcasted in 1980. I had an interesting in the phenomenon since I was junior high school student.

With observing from -gravity, a planet is liken to be floating on the surface of the sea of Universe, like an island on the sea of Earth, the -gravity exists in the deep sea.

See for y-axes,
Studying Minkowski’s Space-Time
fig.1.5.1, fig.1.5.2:
No.2447. Studying Quantum Biology.

About after 3.9 billion years (for the both brighting stars part) or from already now *1, our galaxy and Andromeda galaxy are colliding, the tidal force of gigantic^near_infinite mass is being influenced already, it is emerging now as from the core, as that Earth is heating up by the released energy.
When Will The Milky Way Smash Into The Andromeda Galaxy? It May Already Be Underway, Say Scientists
"According to a new study, our Milky Way galaxy may have already begun colliding with the closest giant galaxy, Andromeda.
Published in Nature Astronomy, the study reveals that there may be a shroud of gas around every galaxy that stretches up to a million light years.
The headline finding from the research is that galaxies are far bigger than astronomers thought. The scientists studied the gas shroud of a starburst galaxy 270 million light years away, called IRAS 08339+6517.
Although it was already known that the halo of gas surrounding the stars in a galaxy accounts for about 70% of that galaxy’s mass, it has proved elusive to observe.
A new deep imaging technique enabled scientists to photograph this gas halo and examine it pixel by pixel. It’s the very first time that scientists have been able to take a photograph of this halo of matter around a galaxy. ..."
As rough assumption, energy is being released with about 600 billion nuclear explosion of Hiroshima scale.

for F÷p, fig. or

Continuing to Study also on March 26th 2024, Hebrew Bible and -Gravity.

fig., fig.
Adic number space of Fp isn't equal linear space, but
(a) in F-p of the Latin square, n ∈ p, [F+p1, F+p2]interval → [any n, 0].
then [n, 0] allows linear space, and when
(b) adic number {n}linear ∈ p1 of F±p1, {m}linear ∈ p2 of F±p2, {n}^2 and {m}^2 = {-1}set in the linear of F+p1 and F+p2, {n}^2 and {m}^2 = {+1} set in the linear of F-p1 and F-p2, {n} × {m} = {-1},
(c) {n}^(d>2) and {m}^(d>2) = {0}, and any {n} or {m} × the result of (b) = {0}, x^d + y^d ≠ z^d (d ≥ 3) there,
I modeled [i0, n] space, any n = 1 as fig.1.6.0. Therefore,
(d) imaginary number space as (-s)^d = -(s)^d exists.
If energy of Universe is calculated with (d), it is ×8 or more than space over Newton mechanics (see also fig.1.6.1 since 2019). By scientists, entire energy of Universe with dark energy, it is ×10 over Newton mechanics.
(e) when n=m, it makes a deformed space, e.g. a line. I think it sounds many people if a line or circle is a deformed space, but in Minkowski space, it is deformed, but {n} ⊥ {m} by Halmos mathematics there.

See the right page and the left page's lower part.

lower part of the right page, [0, +t]interval → {-t}set in the recursive {0}set.
As assumption, {{-t →0} from imaginary number space to -gravity} → {heat/energy (and exiton to DNA)}; so-called Genesis.

e.g. 187035503 is a prime number, and 3 of F5 is not equal 3 of F187035503, then by fig.0.7, except 3 here, {0, 1, 2, 4}:{0, 1, 2, 4, 5, ... , 187035502} = 1:1, the -gravity space emerges/arises there.

In Minkowski space, e.g. any line or any circle exists as deformed. And why the conversion is non-ordinal in Hilbert space is seen above. It includes n ≠ n (e.g. 3 ≠ 3) and (-n)^d = -n^d, and is [0, i0]interval.
See fig. and fig. again.

(5) is present challenge. In order to see where is the heat island (the grounds as a hot-water bottle), below fig.2's bright place have been covered asphalt and the ground becomes a hot-water bottle because of the covering asphalt, as the heat island phenomenon, under the daylight. This picture is from space.com, a night view from ISS.

I believe a new technology for constructing roads is required instead of by asphalt.
(6) can not solve with our present technologies.
As referring the past cycle, an ice age will may come in the next several thousand years. Countries where has crude oil may protect the oil to survive.
The gasoline engines are the running fires naturally. But CO2 is related little, asphalt to heat island is very, although “CO2 emission and the greenhouse” has been well politically named.
Next article:
Galois’ fields; Combined in +Gravity. The Tidal Force into the Unstable Generation.
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