I'm practicing music for the Abraham language, and the instrument in future.
It is what pianist can do, but no-look to play keyboard is difficult for beginner, to me too. Therefore I considered a fingering technique separate with playing music.
I played like fig.1. When I looked a score, then I failed to play.

I placed my finger 1 inch (2.5 cm) deeper, then fingers touched the black keys, I became to understand where my fingers on a keyboard were from the sense.

I'm looking a score without looking a musical keyboard.
I constructed music in my brain before playing, but now the sensations come from my fingers to be following and being constructed in music itself.
(x) will be connected to next step of the Abraham language, and the instrument in future, the David instrument, I'm closing to it.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.