Israel-Palestine War. USA, the UK, Russia, EU, the Abraham Language and Abraham Accord.

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

Israel-Palestine War. USA, the UK, Russia, EU, the Abraham Language and Abraham Accord.

There is Palestinian National Authority, but it isn't a sovereign country.
No sovereign country has no right of war.

I remember an article of Al-Arabiya, I think it was in 2019, written as that the peace process was tackled including USA, the UK, Russia, EU, the UN, and the Israel-Palestine peace process were included, but Palestine refused it belonging Palestine's right as a sovereign country, then Israel's right remained.

In 2022, 4300 rockets were fired from Hamas. This year, over 3000 rockets and the ground terrorism, Israel should protect their nation as sovereign country against any terror.

Then I decide
(1) for the permission of the Abraham language (the Glass Bead Game) the both descendants of Isaac and Ishmael. Naturally for the Arab countries, it will be via Israel of Abraham Accord. But it is not impossible, then I discover 30 axioms observing present from 1000 years future. I hope it will be realized between 2023 and 3017.
(2) to permit Russia^a to use the third scheme method, but when (1) will be realized, the condition will change.
(3) of USA as below

^a the permission is deleted on December 12, 2023:
I’m not yet a Jew, but I want to become a Jew. Therefore now Russia has become an enemy country of me.
“With no end to the war in Ukraine in sight, Russian reliance on countries such as Turkey and Iran for trade and military equipment is likely to grow. If Netanyahu had counted on Putin’s warm feelings toward Israel and the Jewish people to prevent him from courting the Jewish state’s worst enemies, then Russia’s ties with Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Iranian proxies are sobering evidence that warm feelings don’t stand in the way of Russian interests and realpolitik.”

To Japan and Japanese, I permit nothing. Any contract is confirmed between right and right, but Japan and Japanese prevent all my rights to live, including walking under the daylight, therefore if Japan and Japanese wrote any document, the documents were/are/will_be invalid beforehand based on the date. And originally, I wanted USA to rescue me from Japan, then Japanese laws of intellectual property right are not profitable to Japan and Japanese based on the San Fransisco Peace Treaty, but my rights remain as with my USA citizenship by the international laws and USA laws.

I didn't/won't change my attitude. It is the future of unique countries, the strong characters of culture and civilization, are connected on any ubiquitous dimension.

I hope peace to come.

(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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