October 4th update

"Let's build your own Dreams Together"

October 4th update

Article 1:

The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.

Update 1:


Quantität der Urteile: quantity of the judgement
(1) Allgemeine: general
(2) Besondere: special
(3) Einzelne: individual

Qualität: quality
(1) Bejahende: affirmative
(2) Verneinende: rejecting
(3) Unendliche: infinite

Relation: relation
(1) Kategorische: categorical
(2) Hypothetische: hypothetical
(3) Disjunktive: disjunctive

Modalität: provision
(1) Problematische: problematic[al]
(2) Assertorische (behauptend): maintainning
(3) Apodiktische: apodictic (necessarily or self-evidently true)

reason intuition from reflexive to reflexive, {x⇦, y} means y reflexives x here, e.g.,

{1-(3) individual⇦, a child} -"a"-> {2-(3) infinite⇦, lasting nation}
the causality "a" belongs to power of love, love belongs to reason/transcendence concept.

{4-(1) problematic⇦, a criminal} -"b"-> {3-(3) disjunctive, lasting nation}
the causality "b" belongs to power of ruin, ruin means to end soon, and belongs to a finite concept.

URL 1:


Article 2:

No.2446; Genesis 1-1 and Genesis 2-3.

Update 2:


(i) How to think the Kant philosophy for the reason intuition.

The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.

fig.8.0. fig.2.1. and referring the predecessor, Kant Philosophy.

ref. The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept fig.5. Cf. a model referring Walter Benjamin

Then how is from a category to another category in fig.2 (of the linked article), as referring Kant philosophy,

fig.8.1. fig.3.


Quantität der Urteile: quantity of the judgement
(1) Allgemeine: general
(2) Besondere: special
(3) Einzelne: individual

Qualität: quality
(1) Bejahende: affirmative
(2) Verneinende: rejecting
(3) Unendliche: infinite

Relation: relation
(1) Kategorische: categorical
(2) Hypothetische: hypothetical
(3) Disjunktive: disjunctive

Modalität: provision
(1) Problematische: problematic[al]
(2) Assertorische (behauptend): maintainning
(3) Apodiktische: apodictic (necessarily or self-evidently true)

The reason intuition from reflexive to reflexive, {x⇦, y} means y reflexives x here, e.g.,

{1-(3) individual⇦, a child} -"a"-> {2-(3) infinite⇦, lasting nation}
the causality "a" belongs to power of love, love belongs to reason/transcendence concept.

{4-(1) problematic⇦, a criminal} -"b"-> {3-(3) disjunctive, lasting nation}
the causality "b" belongs to power of ruin, ruin means to end soon, and belongs to a finite concept.

(ii) How to apply this time's reason intuition.

{2-(3) infinite⇦, heaven⇦} -"c"-> {1-(1) general⇦, 0 as beginning}
the causality "c" is energy, the ubiquity derives lives.

{individual⇦, f(x)⇦ space-time} -"d"-> {2-(3) infinite⇦, heaven⇦}
the causality "d" requires that f(x) is ubiquitous, because ⇦ itself of the { , heaven⇦} is the reflexive of reflexive, i.e. the reason intuition should be ubiquitous with above 2, {heaven⇦⇦, 1/E, 0s} is in fact.

Also science should progress forever.

URL 2:


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