From Schemes to Magic Symbols.

fig.2.1 and 2.2:
For example, of fig.2.3, "flooding ubiquitously" on the item 1-3, "unleashed axes" on the item 2-3, and "to be free" on the item 3-3 are instances of a small orange circle on the circumference from the small black circle of item x-3 of fig.2.2.
A reason concept exists in transcendence, but is experienced. This is realized in the first scheme method, so {any reason concept aimed; x-3} is realized with the conditions from x-2 and x-4, then has the instance, and has been in phenomena.
The small black circle is at the zero; outer-/inner-reflexive, ; life and existence dimension, ; transcendence.
fig.2.3's link:
Joseph and Tito, an arisen.
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept


We know any abacus places 0 and 1 on any decimal, and any 0 and 1 structure a ubiquitous number space. E.g. any 1 can be placed on any digit, but the 1 on yellow and the 1 on red in fig.2.3 are different.
I translate "all decimal" in fig.2.2 as instance to the small black circle into fig.2.3.

fig.2.2 and fig.2.3:
Any instance synthesized with the inner/outer reflexives, these are the small orange circle, can be placed to the small black circle as transcendence, then each small orange circle is different each other and structures the transcendence.
The small orange circle is placed on any x-3 of item while it is progressing ubiquitously as transcendent, linked with the 0s.

For example, of fig.2.4, "flooding ubiquitously" on the item 1-3, "unleashed axes" on the item 2-3, and "to be free" on the item 3-3 are instances of a small orange circle on the circumference from the small black circle of item x-3 in fig.2.3.
A reason concept exists in transcendence, but is experienced. This is realized in the first scheme method, so {any reason concept aimed; x-3} is realized with the conditions from x-2 and x-4, then has the instance, and has been in phenomena.
The small black circle is at the zero; outer-/inner-reflexive, ; life and existence dimension, ; transcendence.
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