From Schemes to Magic Symbols.
fig.2.1 and 2.2:
For example, of fig.2.3, "flooding ubiquitously" on the item 1-3, "unleashed axes" on the item 2-3, and "to be free" on the item 3-3 are instances of a small orange circle on the circumference from the small black circle of item x-3 of fig.2.2.
A reason concept exists in transcendence, but is experienced. This is realized in the first scheme method, so {any reason concept aimed; x-3} is realized with the conditions from x-2 and x-4, then has the instance, and has been in phenomena.
The small black circle is at the zero; outer-/inner-reflexive, ; life and existence dimension, ; transcendence.
fig.2.3's link:
Joseph and Tito, an arisen.
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

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