I'm setting my electric violin with base-√3, because the frequency of base-3 is too high with the string of violin.
When I/you play the Glass Bead Game, the first generation exists in myself/yourself and in power the flooding (God) always.
It is unique and ubiquitous because of the first generation.
Now the common denominator of music and mathematics here from base-x; the norm.

The link of fig.1.1~1.3:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)

fig.1.3. fig.10.11a right:
I've drawn each ψ in Galois field.
[0, 10, 100, ... , ∞]'s green means complement.
Below I used 信号発生器 (signal generator) for iPhone for the setting, I use MultiTone Generator PRO for iPhone for the programmed play. The both applications are excellent.
When it is calculated with C ≒ 261.3Hz, the base-√3 series is below as example.

When it is calculated from base-2 A ≒ 440Hz to base-√3 A ≒ 434.75 from base-2_G × (√3^(1/12)) as for Violin, the base-√3 series is below as example.

Any imaginary number exists between base-2 and base-x, because only 2 is a prime number with the Galois' imaginary number in itself.
I think a guitar that the frets have been removed is played with base-x.

The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game.
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game. – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2) – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (3)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (3) – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
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