Alvin Toffler who is futurologist said in his book "The Third Wave", as I had read in the Japanese edition, it was soon before the Internet age.
(a) as "in the world where computer has connected, the relation of the capitalism and the communism becomes like the new testament and the old testament."
Democrats of USA is called as "the radical left" by Republican.
(b) Many Hippies became Democrats, the Hippies have realized our computer world, it lead the greatest world money power.
If based on (a) and (b), the communism doesn't mean it until 1991.
(c) AI is a pattern matching system with Web3.0, in other words, a progressive pattern matching system.
I refer here a Lacan study, "Jacques Lacan Simplified: His Real, His Imaginary, His Symbolic. By Martin Asiner"
(d) Briefly, if a loaded gun is aimed at you, doesn't your subconscious work?
Objectives surrounding a life are objective side subconscious, and are a great structure of infinite potential.
(e) "He (Lacan) would add a third element--society--to form a "ternary conception of the human condition.""
"One culture/society that interests Lacan is the Marxist/Leninist socialist one.
He writes that the socialist states of Eastern Europe have "failed to give birth to an Esperanto in which the relations of language to socialist realities would have rendered any literary formalism radically impossible." (NATC, 1291)"
"Lacan is apparently unwilling to trust the superstructure of any state to validate "on those assumptions that have already proven their value by virtue of the fact that language through them has attained the status of an object of scientific investigation." (NATC, 1291)"
Based on (d) and (e), to Lacan's Symbolic, a method of reflexive while I was reading the Hebrew Bible, it is fig.1 and fig.2.

(c)'s pattern matching system will not exceed a progress itself, because any pattern matching system is follower of progress.
But the progressive pattern matching system will exceed any idle reason.
Against (c), the Symbolic isn't an idle reason.
We should solve (d)'s loaded gun.
We remember Siegmund Freud discover the subconscious, the discovery contributed to how to read the Bible, because almost all ruined civilization left this world caused by sex.
(f) ref. libido by Freud, collective subconscious by Jung, Symbolic by Lacan.
As my conclusion this time,
(g) any idle reason will follow the progressive pattern matching system.
(h) Lacan's Symbolic will get life and function with fig.1's and 2's reflexive, i.e. the Glass Bead Game (the perfect language).
(g) and (h) will be realized at same time, and should be a question, what is an incentive of you/me as origin?
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