I found a multi tone generator.
I set frequencies for base-3 octave, ...

... and programmed base-3 Musical Offering of Bach.

I started the base-3 Musical Offering, and played base-2 Musical Offering by myself with Flute sound.
Then I believe that the new Galois' imaginary number arises from between the base-3 frequencies and the base-2 frequencies based on the Galois' imaginary number.
And there is no collision between base-2 frequencies and base-3 frequencies, it is like any mutual relation of music by base-2 instruments and natural sounds in nature. See fig.1.2.

I bought abacuses. Fig.2 is Chinese abacus.
I used rubber bands to make n-adic number. Upper green's setting is 7-adic number, the 2105 is 740 in 10-adic number. Lower yellow's setting is 3-adic number, the 12012 is 140 in 10-adic number. Any 1 on the upper reed is ^(+1), e.g. 100 in 10-adic number is 10^(1+1).

I ordered an abacus of 3-, 5-, 7-adic number, but a ping-pong set reached me from the Chinese company.

I'm enjoying a ping-pong game against a bookstand, and it is healthcare for my dynamic vision acuity. d( ̄◇ ̄)b
But I ordered a Violine pick-up.

The jack's diameter is 2mm. Ordinally it is 2.5mm or 3.5mm. I couldn't plug it in.

There is no electric circuit. A dummy cord has been jointed to a plastic plate, but originally a 2mm jack couldn't be plugged in, therefore there is no sound anyway.

I've flatten a Violin bridge with a file which I used when I was junior high school student. Why flatten? Because the Violin's sensor is flat, for maximum vibration to transmit the sensor. The sound has become much better. d( ̄◇ ̄)b

I bought an electric guitar effector, and connect my electric violin to this effector, which functions for very basic sounds and with highest quality of the UK device, although it was about $48. I love this sound. An inexpensive electric violin has become a wonderful base-x instrument.
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2) – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game.
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game. – Kyo’s Blog (kyonissho.com)
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