Survival 2
In 2019,

Like above, I have same pairs of book.
I'm being threatened, disturbed, sabotaged as enemy of Japan.
Many things were stolen, and have been inflicted, for 36 years since I began the study of the Glass Bead Game, and it was since the death sentence in 1975, but truly since my birthday in 1965.

When my vision test for my driver's license renewal in 2015, in the police station, I was shown the circle as fig.7, and the police asked me as "which direction is OPENned?"
And in 2017, I went Hokkaido prefecture for obtain a copy of family register for the certification of nationality for Passport, I was surrounded many policemen in Shin-Chitose International Airport in 2017, then my PADI License that I obtained in Australia in 1987, when I passed X-ray inspection. Therefore, I didn't renew my driver's license in 2020.
Since I was born, it was/is this.
But just four months in total, it wasn't so, in Australia, Switzerland, Germany. The four months, and by my teacher Ayao Ide, I was treated as humankind.
I want the rescue for the leaving from Japan.
I hate Japan, truly, truly I hate this jail and them who believe they are human except me.
I truly want to leave Japan forever, but if it couldn't, I will be killed in this social lynch.
I will survive for the leaving.
Then I'll never return Japan. Never!
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.