No.2440, the newly generated first scheme method from no.2339, the theme not found yet. Kabbalah, God is a Verb.

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No.2440, the newly generated first scheme method from no.2339, the theme not found yet. Kabbalah, God is a Verb.

August 21, I concluded this article, and reached the theme, the theme is

n level t layer; γ.

First for the theme, I applied the newly generated first scheme method below from a previous article of the link.

Paintings beyond Time, Poly-symphony, now no limitation ⊃ {number, space, category, …}synthesis_set.
Paintings beyond Time, Poly-symphony, now no limitation ⊃ {number, space, category, …}synthesis_set. – Kyo’s Blog (

fig.1.0. fig.6.1 of the previous article.
fig.1.1. fig.6.2 of the previous article.
fig.1.2. fig.7.2 of the previous article. the newly generated first scheme method; fig.6.0, 6.1, and 6.2.

Then I begin no2440 synthesis.

fig.2.0. a score of great Bach. I found a space change in the arrow on blue.
fig.2.1. I use my original synthesized sound.
fig.3.0. Tomb Raiders, the two glass beads in Palace in Lost Valley in Inca where I did it as fieldwork.
fig.3.1. the three glass beads; the field. a flute sound has been set for the large keyboard.
fig.3.3. fig.3.1's {space^n + α} progress via small yellow beads and small water-blue bead algebra of reason intuition.
fig.3.4. synthesizing in (fig.1.2. fig.7.2 of ...)'s generated first scheme method.

I've used the generated first scheme method from no2439 for first time, fig.3.5 is shown for the inner reflexives have not enough strength. It will be solved in no2441, and be in sounds.


Studying Quantum Biology
Studying Quantum Biology – Kyo’s Blog (


I describe some of my study for the holy consonants, the holy context, the Bible, below.


I applied the algebras (beads) of reason intuition to the consonants,
naturally it was/is part of realization/awakening of verse 1,
in the intervals as fig.4.1 until 2021.

But before fig.4.1, let us refer fig.4.0.1 and fig.4.0.2 of Kabbalah as perfect language.

fig.4.0.1a. as for example, see the Kabbalah's paths. re

Kabbalah; Jewish people's incredible practice since October 22 6 p.m., B.C. 4004 if we refer Archbishop Ussher (4 January 1581 – 21 March 1656 in Ireland) of Genesis. See the linked article.

fig.4.0.1b. how I reached consonant⇦ as reflexive until 2021.
fig.4.0.1c. there are at least 600,000 different interpretations of Torah (Pentateuch) by Moses. ref. "God is a Verb" by rabbi david a. cooper.

As how Genesis exists as sought from each consonant, it is of energy, see fig.4.0.1c below.

fig.4.0.1c. I've linked the consonants' reflexive to the first scheme method as the left page's upper part.

Energy is represented as R^(d ± x) ± α, x and α cause multiple dimensions' change. The Hebrew consonants have been linked with the first scheme method's 0, vast energy exists; the Abraham language (∋ the Glass Bead Game *a).

There are some description in the novel Glass Bead Game, e.g. glass bead game, Glass Bead Game. And Knecht (servant) left in the legend, Tito (טיט : clay) assigned an upper mission in the end of the book.

the Abraham instrument or the cosmic singing
the Abraham instrument or the cosmic singing – Kyo’s Blog (

fig.4.0.2. for example, an explanation of DNA with Kabbalah. ref. God Is a Verb. by david a. cooper.

Again, toward fig.4.1.

fig.4.1. for Genesis 1 Verse 1, בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ, in synthesis; [verb as God].

And I apply this experienced practice also to
fig.1.2. fig.7.2 of the previous article. the newly generated first
scheme method; fig. 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2,
this time with music.

fig.4.2. As the initial Abraham instrument.

As reference, see fig.5, La ricerca della lingua perfetta (The search for the perfect language -google translation-) by Umberto Eco.
Many cultures were trying to realize the perfect language.

fig.5. La ricerca della lingua perfetta (Japanese edition) by Umberto Eco.

Therefore, the Abraham language can be approached from e.g. Latin, Arabian, Taoism.

As note, I've read La ricerca della lingua perfetta (Japanese edition) in 2001.

(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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