The traditional Japanese arts were played by 河原乞食 (shores-of-river beggar).
Japanese people gathered to shores of river for washing, preparation of cocking, information exchange. The shores-of-river beggar played a great art there, and praised people as telling "you are originally greatest". But the shores-of-river beggar was connected the government, observing the people. And 1/5 beside of the people was 草 (grass) who was connected and informed to the government, they joined uninformed in 五人組 (five people group) in Edo period, 隣組 (neighbor group) in the Japan empire period. A prototype of this 1/5 grass was begun by General 豊臣秀吉 (Hideyoshi Toyotomi (1537 ~ 1598)).
If any talent was observed by the shores-of-river beggar and the grass, the talented man/woman was defined to be cornered to the class under slave as 穢多非人 (much-impurity non-human) (穢多 (much impure creature) and 非人 (non-human) were different class until 150 years before).
The shores-of-river beggar and the much-impurity non-human have great talents being equal, but the social classes are different.
And there is 家制度 (the family system), of the hierarchy, in order to build social standings.
At least before 400 years, Japanese people use sex to strengthen the own family, except the much-impurity non-human, for example force their mistress to bear or produce babies for rigging life as the industry to harvest a talent which the family uses for a benefit from Japan.
The family system had been abolished as officially after the WWII, but "a little mark" is done to people's official document now too, and Japanese can't see even own official document enough. See fig.1 and fig.2.

Link for fig.1 and fig.2:
The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language.
The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language. – Kyo’s Blog (
This is Japanese industry, producing life with sex to harvest.
I've used "have", "is", and "use". Each year, over 250,000 of the much-impurity non-human do suicides, disappears, cause-unknown-deaths, the serious social pains in the Japanese beauty.
I experienced how Koreans were cornered, exchanging their life with Japanese beauty as Japanese industry, for "the beautiful dynasty."
Link of a Japanese industry:
Survival – Kyo’s Blog (
As above, I was born as F1 (filial 1 hybrid) and was defined to a much-impurity non-human.
On Sabbath I'm watching a video of Bible. Of course, I shouldn't use machine on Sabbath, but I didn't walk under daylight, as under Sun divine's light, 6 years, because of the sensory deprivation.
At the torture, and against the force of brainwashing, I'm giving another information to my brain as my chance to the future of the Abraham language.

(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.