I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

In order to think {r1 ⇔ r2 | r1, r2 ∈ rn} projection,
if the figurate number is 3, the three ⊥s (orthogonals) of norm are required.
As F2 to consider the inverse-square law, where the Pythagorean theorem has been proved, and except ^1/2 space, see fig.8.7 and fig.8.4.
Then ⊥ = π/2, but any space of combined ⊥s\(π/2) is fig.10.11 (the right side).
Galois' imaginary number is required.
I've described this article with my 50 hours study until now.
The norms for any {rn ⇔ rm | rn, rm ∈ r} projection from any figurate number, and any space of combined ⊥s\(π/2).
I'll use another 250 hours for Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem, but the pace will become slowly. Because I begin to study the Minkowski space and the naive set theory in order to describe the generation energy (Genesis energy).
Link for the generation energy (Genesis energy):
Studying Quantum Biology
Studying Quantum Biology – Kyo’s Blog (
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