The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2)
There is no base-x instrument yet, therefore I calculated some base-5 frequencies and have marked on a 88-keys keyboard.

The base-5 C5 shift on the circle of fifth appears near a base-2 E5. At the playing, I regarded an octave between the base-5 C4 and the base-5 C5 (then the 27 keys make the octave), between the base-2 C4 and the base-2 C5 at the same time.

Yet now, my instrument doesn't have the frequencies of base-5, an analog synthesizer has a frequency width as including the Galois' imaginary number.

Then I try to play Fuga canonica in Epidiapreate of Bach with my right hand for the near base-5 and my left hand for the base-2. See fig.4.

Even just before the 20th century, the literacy rate was less than 50% even in developed countries at the time.
Furthermore, the literacy rate of women before the second industrial revolution with the machines was lower than men.
I think it is worth to understand what this picture influenced the times.
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