From Schemes to Magic Symbols.

Fig.3 is the last chapter of the main story. This book has written as a history book from future, but this chapter has been written as "Die Legende (The Legend)."
Er fand ihn nicht mehr und suchte schwimmend und tauchend so lange nach dem Versunkenen, bis in der bittern Kälte auch ihm die Kräfte schwanden.
O weh, dachte er entsetzt, nun bin ich an seinem Tode schuldig! Und erst jetzt, wo kein Stolz zu wahren und kein Widerstand mehr zu leisten war, spürte er im Weh seines erschrockenen Herzens, wie lieb er diesen Mann schon gehabt hatte. Und indem er sich, trotz allen Einwänden, an des Meisters Tode mitschuldig fühlte, übercam ihn mit heiligem Schauer die Ahnung, daß diese Schuld ihn selbst und sein Leben umgestalten und viel Größeres von ihm fordern werde, als er bisher je von sich verlangt hatte.
He found him no more and looking for with swimming and diving so long after the sank, until the strength/power died away also him in the bitter cold.
Oh alas, he thought horrified, now I am guilty at his death! And now first, where is no pride to preserve and no resistance/opposition to do achieve, he sensed in the alas of his frightened heart, how lovable he had had this man already. And while he felt himself responsible in the position, in despite of all objections, at the death of the master, overcame himself to the dark/indistinct with holy storm/hail, that this certain behavior will create himself to something else and his life and will demand many of greater by him, as he had urged each time until now.
The consideration:
(1) Each culture has the history when the cultural properties were realized, the properties should not be denied as requirements of time force.
(2) As the perfect language, there is no division of the cultural properties.
(3) (1) and (2), but in the novel, "the highest art" has been described and is ruining, finally the finest master dies in "the legend", because this novel is a restricted edition.
(4) (3) is because a perfect language didn't exist yet when this novel was written, i.e. there wasn't how it was described.
(5) (1) and (2), and further future over the time force will be required.
(6) (1), (2) and (5), when the master of games disappeared in legend, Tito (טיט: clay) asks who the clay is, as he is origin, as He is Genesis.
From Schemes to Magic Symbols. – Kyo’s Blog (
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