The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2)
If only base-2 octave system is used, it is less for all common denominator of music and mathematics.
fig.6.2. a linkage of base-x numeral system; f × x^d ← the complement dimension sound of Fx to generate any space.
fig.6.3 (fig.8.4).
fig.6.3 (fig.8.4):
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. – Kyo’s Blog (
fig.7.0. a paint in swaying lights of candle as singing.
fig.7.1 (fig.2). Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval.
fig.7.1 (fig.2):
Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval. Materialized brave referring the most attempts at magic remains. – Kyo’s Blog (
fig.7.2 (fig.7.0). music theory, referring Kant philosophy, and ← force.
fig.7.2 (fig.7.0):
Analog Synthesizer Controlled with 88 Keys Keyboard, wavelength of [material, energy]interval and the waveforms. Music Theory, and ← Force. – Kyo’s Blog (
fig.7.3. any zero of reason intuition is singing in lights.
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept – Kyo’s Blog (
The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game (2) – Kyo’s Blog (
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