Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval. Refer as the most attempts at magic remains.
Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval. Materialized brave referring the most attempts at magic remains.

Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval.
Of our lives and cultures, time isn't a single length; {motivations → effect; purpose over sensations}.
As motivations, I felt love and space from this picture of Berthe Morisot, from the incredible time lengths' combination, to recover me from pains.
Now we have the Glass Bead Game (the perfect language, the Abraham language), also paintings don't lost the attraction and the power forever.

Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval.

Of our lives and cultures, time isn't a single length; {motivations → effect; purpose over sensations}.
The representative 10 motivations are
{love, freedom, eternal-life, sex, money, health, self-expression, self-preservation, revenge, fear-and-death}, {love, freedom, eternal-life} belongs to reason concept, {revenge, fear-and-death} is self-destructive.
As motivations, I felt love and space; eternal-extension from this picture of Berthe Morisot, from the incredible time lengths' combination, to recover me from pains.
Now we have the Glass Bead Game (the perfect language, the Abraham language), also paintings don't lost the attraction and the power forever.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.