(1) Curtain in the paint, of the viewer, light enters from the front to the back.
(2) Eugène Manet who is her husband is seeing the painter Berthe Morisot, but Berthe Morisot is watching Eugène Manet from the front of the viewer.
(3) Berthe Morisot's daughter was born in 1878, but this was painted in 1875. They were in honeymoon.
(4) (1)~(3) As if the outdoor in where Berthe Morisot has been painted is an indoor, a future was painted from the past.
(5) (4) is because [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval of the viewer's lifetime.
Painting is sometimes explained as the most attempts at magic remains. Causality exists time, and when some of time are harmonically combined time (pl.), the viewer realizes and experiences own time, as effect, own ability is developed magical to purpose.
In fact, even her daughter Julie Manet passed in 1966, we observe it from future, and at same time, from past, as our life able to realize and experience.

Painting; magical to purpose, [time (pl.); harmonically combined]interval.

Of our lives and cultures, time isn't a single length; {motivations → effect; purpose over sensations}.
The representative 10 motivations are
{love, freedom, eternal-life, sex, money, health, self-expression, self-preservation, revenge, fear-and-death}, {love, freedom, eternal-life} belongs to reason concept, {revenge, fear-and-death} is self-destructive.
As motivations, I felt love and space; eternal-extension from this picture of Berthe Morisot, from the incredible time lengths' combination, to recover me from pains.
Now we have the Glass Bead Game (the perfect language, the Abraham language), also paintings don't lost the attraction and the power forever.
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