fig.1, fig.2:
When I used Google translation, I remembered the study of Yale University and my graduation thesis. Naturally I don't know the inside program of Google translation, but I felt near scent.
I got the highest grade of my graduation thesis in the institute, but all was disturbed and prevented, many things were stolen, since I was born.

I met the man who photographed the picture of fig.3 in the house of my father-in-law. He came there. He worked at a shopping store in the town, but I don't remember which shopping store it was.
And I know almost all governments in the world received the photos about me and more from the Cabinet office and Japanese Emperor in 2019, it intended to destroy my existence in the international countries, but they just displayed their limitless persecution to me.

(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.