So, I couldn't walk in daylight six years. Sensory deprivation is middle level torture of the special higher police of Japan, torture toward death from prostration, it has been written in books of Special Higher Police, they are now the judicial officers of the public security (公安局司法官) in every local government linking information; Japan.

In order to recover my sense of wide space, I use a combination of a video game, paintings, and a musical keyboard.
In this case, Myst of video game is great. In our real world to be realized, nature/cosmos → developments → symbols. In Myst, symbols → cosmos → naturally generated developments. The picture in fig.6 is Myst Riven. I can sense very wide space, and where is not Japan.
And Japanese can not recognize the meaning of who is oppressed serves the world.
And in era of the Japan Empire, there was no Internet in where yet I can serve the world people. Yet I can use the Internet, but my Internet banking has been limited.
Below is three paints of the beheading of John the Baptist.

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