The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language.
My teacher Ayao Ide reproduced Brahms Symphony Nr.1 often in his room where I studied the novel Glass Bead Game with him. And I went to a concert of the symphony with Ide. Then in a corridor when nobody around us, he told me "you have been selected to 'B. Rahms (or B. Raums)'.
I think it is Bund des Raums (B. Raums), i.e. association of space (or sphere, or area).
Hitler obtained power from betraying the world and the world spirit, it meant to change the destruction of dimension in the world to more destructive energy.
The novel Glass Bead Game was proposed to recover and restore any dimension, it was opposite power against Hitler.
The association of dimension to support or lead the selection of Theodor Heuss who was the first president of present Germany, and the selection of Pope Benedict XVI.
Ide told me I was/am one of the members.
But things below was happening.

The next year of Ayao Ide passed, the first scheme method of the Glass Bead Game was realized. I travelled Germany and Switzerland, then I met a German lady I think she was about 60 year old in 1996. We talked one hour in a restaurant, I told her the Glass Bead Game had become possible. She paid for the meal, I sent her stamps when I returned Japan.
She sent me a beautiful leaflet.

But after this leaflet, I couldn't receive her mail.
Some people wrote me that sent me letters with indirect way, in other words, some letters of indirect expression reached me.
I left my family.
And I found in 2022, about 75% of letters to me disappeared.
I was very poor, therefor very busy to obtain money to live. I could not often check my photos and letters to me.
But since I left my family, many important documents disappeared, e.g. the first notarized document of the Glass Bead Game, although the scheme method itself was described in the second notarized document, the first document is described for the antecedent for the realization.
The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language. – Kyo’s Blog (
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