I. The lives, the context.

Platon and Aristoteles are walking.

The Wedding at Cana: Water Turned into Wine.
Music is ordinally composed in time, although different way is tried in poly-symphony if likened, for example, I wrote about Brahms and Schönberg, also about Bill Evans in Jazz.
But paintings composed arisings as art beyond time from the beginning.

Hesse's painting and poem. He tried the reflexives in the poem to change verbs' time ability to any synthesis. At same time, this is one of most beautiful poem. Hesse tried the Glass Bead Game with violin, paintings, and poem until his life end, but yet the categories didn't link e.g. to physics.
All the ways are far, and now it is no limitation ⊃ {number, space, category, ...}synthesis_set.
II. The synthesis; no2439.

III. The materialization.

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