I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

The world is not just as we see with our eyes.
By the way,
Hitler used Enigma to generate the cypher for the blitz’s tactics. Enigma’s base was Galois field.
USA realized ENIAC, UK realized Turing machine, in order to break Enigma. And Enigma’s code generating was broken with the speed.
ENIAC and Turing machine were the first computers, but destroyed after the WWII. I think if ENIAC or Turing machine were used to generate cyphers, nobody broke it then.
I could read some little stories of ENIAC. It might make a matrix with F2 and F5 of Galois field, 2 × 5 = 10 of the Enigma’s decimal. And if a present expression is used, it was a dual core processing.
“The Imitation Game” is a movie of Turing, Turing machine, and the team.
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