The new music theory, as music and mathematics are common denominator, of the novel Glass Bead Game.

A next higher sound isn’t a higher velocity, but an acceleration, i.e. (2^(1/12)^n is the nth acceleration of dimensions.
I’ve put the beads on the accelerations I felt as characteristics in the score.

Higher velocity of the spins dominates smaller space of the wavelength, it becomes × 1/((2^(1/12))n); caught in time, as human space.
In case of C3 and C6, C6 isn’t C3 × 3, but C3 × (2^(12/12))^3 = C3 x 8.
When the frequency changes from C3 to C6, the space where C3 had is released as room where can be used imagination. When it changes from C6 to C3, a ubiquitous measurement of sound is given to all the previously released space, and can be used to confidence.

any bead and any sound space.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.