Practice for [0, 0]time_accord_interval to synthesize of dimensions.

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Practice for [0, 0]time_accord_interval to synthesize of dimensions.

I searched [0, 0]time_interval of a time accord in Brahms Nr.1. What a time accord means is fig.1 and the link.

fig.1. fig.5.5. time accord in fundamental difference to restore space; spins, ; infinite conversion.

The article:
Analog Synthesizer Controlled with 88 Keys Keyboard, wavelength of [material, energy]interval and the waveforms. Music Theory, and ← Force.

At first, it was piano sounds.

fig.2. Brahms Nr.1, the beads of [0, 0]interval in Piano sounds.

In this practice, the first zero of [0, 0]time_interval was anywhere in the Viola part, and the second zero was given in the Hörner in C.

Next, where the extended dimensions in, I connected my 88 keys keyboard for the right hand, to a moog synthesizer for iPhone, the setting is fig.3.


And for the left hand, I selected a flute sound in the frequency from C1 to C2, it was in a synthesizer sound for kindle fire.


The sounds of fig.3 and fig.4 are connected, with a cable, to a single speaker set.

As another approach,

fig.5. left hand’s synth is G2 and F3, right hand’s synth is Cn and Cn+1.
fig.6. right hand’s synth is Synth Master One for iPhone, the setting is ARP 1994 LN.

fig.6.: My 88 keys keyboard and iPhone are connected with bluetooth. A connecting software BLE MIDI is used. BLE MIDI works also to Animoog.

fig.7. left hand’s synth is Amsynth connected via VMPK, it is in Fedora Scientific of Linux, the setting is My Friend.
fig.8. the setting.

fig.7, 8.:
Keystation Mini 32 MK3 is a physical keyboard which sends the control signals, a virtual synthesizer VMPK receives the signals in MIDI IN. And VMPK relays the signal from MIDI OUT to Amsynth, it is in order to use Amsynth’s sound resource. Amsynth has been connected to Linux’s sound driver.

(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.

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