I ate a most famous family meal of Asia, “辛拉麺” of south Korea, it means “hot noodle”.

I remembered 四川菜 (Sìchuān cài) of China. I dropped lemon liquid to the hot noodle, because 辛 (hot ∈ 金 (metal)) restraints 酸 (sour ∈ 木 (wood)), then I felt 甘 (sweat ∈ 土 (soil)) in the beautiful taste. 甘 (sweat) promotes 辛 (hot), 酸 (sour) restraints 甘 (sweat), and stimulates to remember the origin of 辛 (hot).

Naturally Chinese meal and Korean meal are not equal.
Although a figure of 八卦 (eight trigrams divination signs; the map of universe) below, which is used in some Asian countries, is included to the national flag of south Korea, because Confucian takes history.

辛拉麺 is best buy if you takes a family meal of Asian noodle, very hot.
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