I practiced the initial second scheme method from 2013 to 2016, and used below shapes on my previous blog.
The second scheme method has become very advanced, although the advanced edition is inhibited to show.
Although the initial second scheme method makes accord with Galois field.
The beads layout of the initial second scheme method is the combination of fig.1.0 and fig.1.1.

the beads has been put on;
(1) the small blue bead on no reflexive,
(2) the small water-blue beads on any first reflexive,
(3) the small yellow beads on any second reflexive,

the beads has been put on;
(4) the small red bead on no reflexive,
(5) the small water-blue beads on any first reflexive,
(6) the small yellow beads on any second reflexive.

Here I use the expression "newly generated first scheme method" but it is "original for the uniqueness or the natural" given in a person or a cultural sphere, it emerges from the calling from deep part of soul or when he/she is a child. Not to be defined but be respected. It can be only by his/her one time life.
The links:
The newly generated first scheme method inspired of any behind symbol. For no.2437, a virtual fieldwork.
The Bill Evans Trio as practicing the Second Scheme Method and the Music Theory for David Instrument.

(7) a small yellow bead x and a small yellow bead y are second reflexives,
(8) x is linked with y, and x exists on abduction coordinates of field A (here, it isn’t field B).
(9) also x and y have no reflexive coordinates, it is a small water-blue bead in fig.1.3.
(10) any second reflexive aims at a first reflexive, x can belong to field B.

fig.1.4 for fig.1.3:
(11) reflexive of reflexive means any second reflexive, is realized by the first scheme method, and realizes the zero of reason intuition.
the link:
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept

fig.1.3.1 has been described in
The reason intuition, ref. Kant category.

fig.1.3.2 has been described in
The zero of life/existence dimension of any reason concept
Then for the initial second scheme method, opening the outer/inner reflexives as fig.1.4.

The first scheme method’s items are {cultural property, reflexive judgement, symbol, function, change, human ability, principle, trial, appearing, possible of object, existence, mercy}. I experimented many cases before the second scheme, but these twelve items lead fastest to synthesize, there were dimensional distances.
With the second scheme method, since infinite reflexives can be applied, the first scheme method’s items are freely chosen to synthesize in the suitable velocity or acceleration of dimension. See fig.1.5 as example.

Remarkably, this second scheme method will contribute to, and make great advance, linguistics including Hebrew, Arabic, Greek and Latin, philosophy, natural law, and comprehensively time force of history, because how any word is linked dimension will become no boundary with phenomenal extension.
This time as no.2427 of the Glass Bead Game practice, I apply it to Brahms symphony Nr.1, as fig.2.

The first beads are put on the sounds with a grand piano, as fig.3.

I found a mathematic shape with
(x^2+y^2+z^2+4^2-2^2)^2 - 4*4^2*(x^2+y^2)>0

fig.4.0 has been applied in an analog synthesizer as fig.4.1.

The analog synthesizer has been linked with 88 keys keyboard to play.

Fig.4.2’s beads derived a mathematic sense of mod( , ) as
mod(sin(x),(x^2+y^2+z^2+4^2-2^2)^2 - 4*4^2*(x^2+y^2))>0
It is fig.4.3.

Fig.4.3 leads the beads as fig.4.4.

I applied C1 and E1, D1# and F1# to fig.4.4, then the beads were led as fig.4.5.

See also
Analog Synthesizer Controlled with 88 Keys Keyboard, wavelength of [material, energy]interval and the waveforms. Music Theory, and ← Force.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.