I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.
E.g. 71290143685248119147 is a prime number. A big number but 0 in Fp, in [0, 10, 100, … , ∞]complement. If the spin has a combined number, there is another 0 in the same spin, some αx and βy are not fixed (* here, x and y are subscripts), but exist in m of [0, 0]interval in the spin. 71290143685248119147170 is the next prime number, but [0, 0]interval → m, and only F2 is an even prime number including Galois’ imaginary number, spinning.

after fig.9,
The quantum mechanics is mainly described with Hilbert space. Only any short range quantum field can be described with Hilbert space, we need to describe any large scale quantum field. I’m trying it with the generation energy (Genesis energy).
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