Tachyon, an imaginary number field as super light speed.
I’m learning Hebrew in self-education.
Hebrew exists with the consonants.
I’m using ⇦ as symbol of reflexive to a consonant, e.g. ת⇦ is reflexive to ת, when ת is regarded as feminine ending but is placed as prefix, it is { , ת}⇦word.
Then I thought, as comparison, there are two major way of thinking, these are
(1) rationalism; belonging to nature of low,
(2) pragmatism; belonging to nature of purpose.
If we see fig.9’s DNA and Kabbalah with rationalism (nature of low), it seems strange, but we can see fig.9 with pragmatism (nature of purpose), the consonant reflexives, and David instrument above.

If a person remembers Latin, people lived many hundreds of years in life reflection with the alphabet, and the reflections have been archived, and practiced music.
And music’s space-time sounds/vibrates like quantum field, there can be the first’s inner/outer reflexive in deriving {space-time, number, category}set.

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