I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

When (C → H) → 0, then imaginary number → ∞, the addition theorem unavailable there, and this is the half thing, while 0s of the imaginary time makes at least, two isometric spaces be one, Borrel conversion inflates from there, generation energy arises beyond time (+ and - of all amount are equal).
An imaginary number field is required to observe there.

When (C → H) → 0, then imaginary number → ∞, the addition theorem unavailable there, and this is the half thing, while 0s of the imaginary time makes at least, two isometric spaces be one, Borrel conversion inflates from there, generation energy arises beyond time *a.
An imaginary number field is required to observe there.
+ and - of all amount are equal, based on projection to 0 is ubiquitous.
If you think projection to n, to think projection to imaginary 0 is better.
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