In 2011, my PC’s battery became empty and I replaced it with new one, I went to buy food etc. after two or three days. When I return my room, the PC’s new battery became empty again or replaced it with empty one by anyone. The PC’s password depended on the battery, I set the new password.
And since then, the SD card device in the 3.5 inch bay didn’t work.
I’ve learned to build PC/AT (so-called PC) this year, and I replaced the 3.5 inch bay device with another. Originally it should be connected with 9 pins, new 3.5 inch device is 9 pins.

The device is working now.
The replaced device was 4 pins. Usually 4 pins’ connected is used for a cooling fan, for CPU etc.. I think the connector was changed.

This year, 2011, I decided to show the first scheme method on the Internet, because I felt a crisis of my life. And I sent the URL to White House, EU head quarter, and Upper House of Parliament of Germany. I shook hand with German lawmakers of Upper House of Parliament about in 1994, with 9 lawmakers of 11 who visited Japan. I told them to realize the Glass Bead Game, and it has been achieved in 1996.

My tooth was broken by a dentist in 2017. I went another dental clinic, but I was threatened by another dentist over 30 minutes, I recorded it with IC recorder. This tooth is now same condition or worse, and doctors of clinics (not dental) threatened me with maximum yelling, I recorded it too, but now I can't get any medical treatment.

138 Volt/Meter electric field was detected from my unplugged DVD recorder. I found this in 2018.
I applied DS-160 of USA, and I was told as “wait this way” in the Embassy.
I’m continuing to study, and waiting.

Finally, that is my Linux device, rebuilt with safe parts since 2007.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kilometer Nishio). All rights reserved.