I bought a book in 2020, the book is that I had read when I was junior high school student about in 1979.

In 1975, I was sentenced death with a photo fig.1.1, that was like picked up from a battle field. Since then, I was socially isolated, and I began self-education to survive, how I could live further, then I have the 47 years career of self-education.

The Dimension Loss and The Perfect Language.
The super light speed particle Tachyon is now regarded as not existing, but Tachyonic field is as existing.

There is a imaginary number field (a non-ordinal number field) with light cone,

and then the past self (e.g. past yourself) exist as of the imaginary number at the present. Thomas Edison’s final approach to change the world was the invention, a devise to talk with this spiritual existence, but he didn’t reach.
I’ve not yet read all details of this book, but read the “dark time”,

I’ve marked
(1) omnipotent
(2) omniscient
(3) omnipresent.
Time we ordinarily think belongs to a single dimension in the ordinal number, our life goes toward death in the energy entropy, but our health is regaining our life toward our birth against the entropy.
Then we can think an imaginary number field. Tachyonic field isn’t denied with physics now too.
You yourself is existing in omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent with imaginary number field, as a super light speed field. In this book, it is explained as Jesus Christ in God.

See also:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.
If “a time travel” in a film will be accomplished, past oneself/themselves disintegrated with entropy should be integrated again through omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, while the past is present in imaginary number field, i.e. the path is thought through Lord. (Although if a person’s body itself is sent into another time, then a galaxy scale quake will occur, because of the entropy difference.)

Remember that idea of Lord in super space-time has been seen in the novel Glass Bead Game, the chapter is The Three Lives (Die drei Lebensläufe).
Then a question is obtained. What is the disintegration in the Glass Bead Game or a perfect language?
It is included the 55% remain of my achievement.
The first scheme method is an integration method.
I read this book, Tachyonic Physics, as real, and support these ideas.
This book’s price of kindle version is ¥311 (about $2.35), good read.
Below figures quoted from
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

There is a computer algebra system "Maxima" for Windows, and Linux version has been known as wxMaxima. It is a free application software. This system will be great help for you.
The official site:
A quotation from the site:
"Maxima is a descendant of Macsyma, the legendary computer algebra system developed in the late 1960s at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is the only system based on that effort still publicly available and with an active user community, thanks to its open source nature. Macsyma was revolutionary in its day, and many later systems, such as Maple and Mathematica, were inspired by it. ..."
Fig.6.0 is a calculation of a quantum potential with Maxima. You can buy a book to know Maxima.

fig.7.0 is "Twister" where space-time arises from spin (not spin arises from space-time). R. Penrose invented/discovered Twister. The drawing has been done with not Maxima but Gnuplot.
I downloaded Gnuplot from below link, very famous site, but I'm not sure yet this is the official site.
I begin to practice the symbol method with using Maxima and Gnuplot to phenomena. Maxima and Gnuplot have good link.

The link:
I’ve planned 300 hours for the details of Wiles’ Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem.

Naturally, the symbol method can be applied to any natural law itself, but an algebra system is help when a ripple effect should be traced, e.g. for any large distribution and any wave. See fig.8.0.

Music is composed/played with sound and tone, sound and tone are included to wave. Any wave is generated from a spin. Then spins generate space-time in freedom.
Cf. fig.7.0.
When we consider quantum mechanism, music is closer than mathematics of the present education system, i.e. closer than Newton mechanics.
Hebrew; consonants → David instrument
ref: fig.8.2; fig.8.0, 8.1.

I’m learning Hebrew in self-education.
Hebrew exists with the consonants.
I’m using ⇦ as symbol of reflexive to a consonant, e.g. ת⇦ is reflexive to ת, when ת is regarded as feminine ending but is placed as prefix, it is { , ת}⇦word.
Then I thought, as comparison, there are two major way of thinking, these are
(1) rationalism; belonging to nature of low,
(2) pragmatism; belonging to nature of purpose.
If we see fig.9’s DNA and Kabbalah with rationalism (nature of low), it seems strange, but we can see fig.9 with pragmatism (nature of purpose), the consonant reflexives, and David instrument above.

If a person remembers Latin, people lived many hundreds of years in life reflection with the alphabet, and the reflections have been archived, and practiced music.
And music’s space-time sounds/vibrates like quantum field, there can be the first’s inner/outer reflexive in deriving {space-time, number, category}set.

fig.9.2; fig.9.1:
I compared higher octave and lower octave of fig.9.1 to imagine European robin’s magnetic sense and home pigeon’s magnetic sense in the frequencies. Naturally, these are not their ability but simulation of space which spins generate. Try it if you have an instrument, in order to survive as the lives do.

fig.21 of Studying Quantum Biology: https://kyonissho.com/kyos-blog/blog/2022/01/05/studying-quantum-biology-4/
Newton mechanics is very important, although it is suitable to axes as so-called “lines.”
If I liken it for kids, Newton mechanics is baseball, quantum mechanics is music.
For example, is it difficult to convert fig.10.0 into music and experience as sound combination? I think it isn’t difficult in music when we are aware of wave is spin.
We think life exists in entropy, in time. And in detail, age exists in divergence toward death and health exists in convergence toward birth. When we listen music in time, it is of wave from past to future. But sound as spin exists in ubiquity, not from past, not to future. If you consider this as wave and spin derives a new music theory, it will be suitable for the novel Glass Bead Game.
I remember Socrates, not love is eternity, but eternity is love.

Calabi-Yau manifold is related to see invisible dimensions, with superstring theory.
(C) Copyright 2023 Kyo Nissho (Kiyom Nishio). All rights reserved.